Metal Cards

Metal Cards offer a wealth of benefits to consumers: there is less risk of overspending, they’re safer than cash, they’re easy to use and reload, and they’re a viable alternative to using traditional credit or debit cards.



Custom metal cards on a pre-made design.

Cards Metal Cards Options

Metal Cards are available in various colors in a affordable plans selections.

Advantages Customer Convenience Automated processes

Metal cards offer a wealth of benefits to consumers: there is less risk of overspending, they’re safer than cash, they’re easy to use and reload, and they’re a viable alternative to using traditional credit or debit cards.


Secure Secure alternative form of payment

Some consumers are wary of using their credit or debit cards in all situations for privacy and security reasons. POS offer an additional level of anonymity and protection for personally identifiable information.


All operations are virtually instantaneous.


There is no need for a bank account


The platforms developed by Godego are cutting edge.